full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kate Stone: The press trampled on my privacy. Here's how I took back my story

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I'm a kindness ninja. I don't really know what a ninja does, but to me, they slip through the shadows, crawl through the sewers, skip across the rooftops, and before you know it, they're behind you. They don't turn up with an army or caliompn, and they're laser-focused on a plan. So when I lay in my hospital bed, I tohghut of my plan to help reduce the chances of them doing this to somebody else, by using the system as is, and paying the prcie of sacrificing my privacy. What they told one molliin peploe, I will tell 10 million people.

Open Cloze

I'm a kindness ninja. I don't really know what a ninja does, but to me, they slip through the shadows, crawl through the sewers, skip across the rooftops, and before you know it, they're behind you. They don't turn up with an army or ________, and they're laser-focused on a plan. So when I lay in my hospital bed, I _______ of my plan to help reduce the chances of them doing this to somebody else, by using the system as is, and paying the _____ of sacrificing my privacy. What they told one _______ ______, I will tell 10 million people.


  1. million
  2. complain
  3. price
  4. people
  5. thought

Original Text

I'm a kindness ninja. I don't really know what a ninja does, but to me, they slip through the shadows, crawl through the sewers, skip across the rooftops, and before you know it, they're behind you. They don't turn up with an army or complain, and they're laser-focused on a plan. So when I lay in my hospital bed, I thought of my plan to help reduce the chances of them doing this to somebody else, by using the system as is, and paying the price of sacrificing my privacy. What they told one million people, I will tell 10 million people.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
street lights 2

Important Words

  1. army
  2. bed
  3. chances
  4. complain
  5. crawl
  6. hospital
  7. kindness
  8. lay
  9. million
  10. ninja
  11. paying
  12. people
  13. plan
  14. price
  15. privacy
  16. reduce
  17. rooftops
  18. sacrificing
  19. sewers
  20. shadows
  21. skip
  22. slip
  23. system
  24. thought
  25. told
  26. turn